001. Getting back into using this journal space to share photos, instead of them just taking up space on my Google Drive. I treated myself to a few rolls of film and the developing costs for some adventures over spring… here are a few of my favourites from a solo week spent on Minjerribah, Quandamooka country.
002. This island always provides the medicine from nature I need, and I am so grateful to be living close-by on Quandamooka country. Some of my favourite parts from this trip include.. spending time at Bummiera, the brown tea tree lake, popping in the lake for dips while wildflower hunting under the guidance of the big wise scribbly barks… Hiking up Mt Bippo Penbean, getting excited about the insane flowering bankisas, different shades of tickled pink boronias, and the magical perspective you can get from being higher up on the island in the centre of the bush… Camping at Amity Point, waking up next to the ocean with the local koalas, kangaroos and three bottle nose dolphins that come for daily visits… I could go on forever hehe - if nature is healing medicine, then this island is one powerful elixir.
Lena x