001. I have just arrived home after my first ever trip down to South Australia, and I had the loveliest time ever! I was lucky enough to explore a little bit of Adelaide and the coastline around Victor Harbour. Sorry for the large amount of the photos but this place was just INSANE! We spotted a seal playing in the waves on this beach and it was the first time I've ever seen a seal in the wild. It just looked so happy and full of life, spinning and gliding through the icey ocean. I get pretty damn excited whale watching, so my first ever seal encounter just melted my heart. NATURE IS THE BEST!
002. I have a couple more hectic days left before life briefly settles down and I can ground myself again. There's a few blog posts and mini projects I want to work on so I'm excited to have some time to do all these creative things that make me HAPPY. Do what fuels your heart and soul man!
Lena x