001. I'm just going to back this post up to about 5 months ago when I was living in Alice Springs with Ben loving life, going on adventures and seeing more of Oz. All the memories I have of the Northern Territory are fond ones, I really did love it. I'm an east coast gal born and bred, so going to the red centre of Australia for the first time was really such an incredible experience. I hope these photos inspire fellow Australian readers to get out there and explore more of this beautiful and diverse country we call home, because I sure can't wait to see even more of it!
002. All these photos were taken on my little 35mm point and shoot. I love film photography, but I think I may take a little break because honestly it's pretty expensive compared to digital which is virtually free! I'm currently waiting for my 8 rolls of film from my 3 months in Asia to be developed... so it's safe to say that will cost me an arm and a leg. But it's totally worth it, candids and the surprise of film makes me one excited little bean.
Lena x